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Herding netting for kids

Are you thinking about what to fence the outdoor run for your baby goats with? Welded shepherd's nettingis ideal . It has a specific mesh distribution - the meshes are smaller and denser at the bottom and get larger towards the top. This prevents the kids from poking their heads through the mesh and hurting themselves. We supply the goat herding netting in 50m rolls. We recommend ordering the wooden stakes for it as well.

Component is being loaded
Herding netting Czech fence 120 cm - 2.2+2.8mm/12 wires/250mm/50m - 2nd quality
Product code: 4803
Herding netting Czech fence 120 cm - 2.2+2.8mm/12 wires/250mm/50m
Product code: 1963
U-clamps for wooden stakes 31mm/1kg
Product code: 6579
Cramps ''U'' for wooden posts 31mm/5kg
Product code: 6289
Hammer multi
Product code: 6470
- 97 %

We weld the herding netting for goats from galvanized wire with a diameter of 2.2 mm. The upper and lower wire is reinforced to 2.8 mm and thus the netting holds its shape better and is stronger. The wires are welded, so this shepherd's netting is much more durable than ordinary knotted netting. The Czech fence has a total height of 120 cm, which is ideal for kids and then adult goats.

In case of an order, we will deliver the whole package of goat herding netting by carrier or you can pick it up free of charge at our branches in Radkynia.

How to feed goats and kids

You know the saying "as greedy as a goat"? There is a lot of truth to it. Many keepers agree that a goat let loose can do a lot of damage in the garden. That's why you need to make sure your enclosure is fenced. If the goat has any young trees in the enclosure, be sure to secure them against biting. You can find instructions for such fencing in the article. Use forestry netting for this purpose.